For these reasons, world campaigns of qualification have begun for obstetricians, midwives, efermeras and neonatólogas with the purpose of that when a baby is born with Down syndrome, know how to react and don't transform that session into a day of mourning. The family needs to know that the boy maybe is a little more dilatory than the other children that will have to lavish you a little more than carefulness, but that you will surely be able to swim, to read, to write, to sing, to run, to play, to draw, to grow, to dream and to love as your siblings, to your rhythm.
One of each 650 babies that are born suffers Down syndrome, and your 50% he/she can have a congenital cardiopathy that should be diagnosed on time, as well as you suit to prevent immunologic possible disorders and aletraciones endocrinológicas. This information helps to the family so that you understand and you accompany your increment well. Every day you are more people with Down syndrome integrated in preschools and common schools, and in works that were impossible until yesterday for them.
To accept that the son that were born has not been the prospective one, you require time, you fight and patience. The increment and development of each person's potential depends exclusively and from the start, of your parents. and you know that you will have limitations but nobody can predict them with surety. Amid this fight that most of the families undertake with estocismo, a malignant virus is sometimes strained almost imperceptibly: that of the discrimination. When some people are affected by this virus, they usually call to these boys with the current "mongólicos" term; they usually believe that one cannot make anything for them; that are inferior" "beings. And you are another discrimination, more subtle, less aggressive, that sometimes leave of the boy's same parents. You are mammas that you/they say: "my son is a down", when in fact your son is a boy that Down syndrome possesses. Neither it is convenient to use words like you "suffer of ", you "have a cruel destination", you are "diseased of", because you are not an illness and because the issue of the destination nobody tastes it like certain science. Neither it is not certain that all those that have Down syndrome are same to each other: each one of them resembles the other members of your family, although you are certain that they have some physical features characteristic of the syndrome.
You are also dads and moms that feel a lot of blame because internally recjhazan to that son, although they take care of it and they attend with all that he needs. In that case it is important that they can request help. We usually hide generally what are happening us. You give us shame, you give us pain... and you are for that reason that to the margin of that make with our son, you are important to be advised professionally with experts in family, to be able to habloar of the topic and to learn what to make. The siblings can also feel guilty for not accepting to the recently arrived as them they wanted; and instead of denying it, this is to speak to it in an appropriate frame.
Not there is any test that to have a son with Down syndrome has algú negative important or permanent effect in the legal capacity of the other children. In fact, if you wonder to the biggest siblings how they feel in connection with it, your answers suggest that rather there is a beneficial effect. The siblings of the children with Down syndrome, they are usually very tolerant, with a grade of very remarkable understanding and a great maturity in your treatment with the other ones.
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