Most of people that suffer a problem of jealousies, want to know if you are possible to expire the feeling that produce you anguish, pain, sadness, rages or even desperation. You can win this battle, but you won't be easy. The jealousies teach to people to not giving for discounted the love of the other one. The romantic love is not an eternal flame, you call to the one which, if you are not contributed fuel, sooner or later he/she ends shutdowning.
In the first moment, when we fall in love and our love is corresponded, we feel fortunate for the fact that such a wonderful person remunerates us our love. When we don't know with surety if our love is corresponded or not, the insecurity and the doubt intensify our emotions. We are willing to make any thing so that that wonderful person loves us. However, you too often happen that when we feel safe of the love and of our partner's compromise, we begin to give had discounted that loving link. We request things that we had not requested during the first stages of the relationship, and that we would never request to other people. Then, this way, our partner transforms into the only person in our life that are supposed" that you understand the pressures that we suffer in the work, or our absorbent dedication to the children, or to the friends, or to the community tasks.
When a relationship is strongly ingrained in confidential feelings and surety, a crisis of temporary jealousies can remind to the couple's members how important they are the one for the other one.
For those that give for discounted the love of the other one, or whose relationship has you bored tornado and anodyne; the jealousies can restore to the relationship of the place of precedence number one for the couple. The important thing is not to transform into an Otelo possessed by the feeble jealousies.
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