They are several the factors that converge like lawsuits of this repetitious and generalized problem of motivation ullage. Among them we can name: the fear to that ignored, the excessive attachment for the routine, the fear of being rejected or of falling socially in ridiculous or not very suitable attitudes, panic to the desilusines or necessity of supreme surety and stability.
The form of neutralizing those factors is to be analyzed in profundidas, to know your potentials, to maintain your falencias low control and to capitalize your talents after your fundamental goals.
We offer you 5 activities to boost the motivation. and you are about practices that search a deep transformation that will make it flexibilizar your pansy structures, besides relaxing it mentally. Concretely, they search to help him to reemplezar the perfectionism and the stiffness of your behavior, for a more constructive perspective in the one that can find new pulse motives, besides facilitating the value of changing and of adding trust to your plans. If you feel safer and more satisfied with your attitude before the new thing and before the incipient projects, you will be boosted to put on on approval and to bet on your superación.
1 begin to act motivated by the desire and not so much for the rational thing that it can be your share: you can also attempt projects or to acquire things, because you simply want, and not because they can complete a specific network role in the future.
2 incorporate different activities in your daily routine: among other things, you modify the journey of your house until the work; you make something different during the schedule of lunch; you organize meetings in those that the companies don't always participate or you observe working new proposals to those that to be positted.
3 carry out a plan that involve some risk; you declare your love to a person that him guta; leaves alone of vacations or you start any activity that represent a challenge for you. This will make you behave in a different and accidental way.
4 practice a hobby that motivate it: to paint, to draw, to sing or to dance for example. You enjoy learning and you don't notice the since result the true challenge you get rid in the one "during" and not in the end.
5 the food, a plain form of learning how to innovate: people that fear to that ignored always request the same plates and they select the same products in the supermarket. Instead of repeating the behaviors, you prove with new preparedness or different products.
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