The alcoholatura method to carry out the procedure is the following one. Sit down or go to bed comfortable in a place without interferences neither noises. You begin to feel your respiration and to relax yourself, while you take conscience of your body. Beginning from the feet toward the head, you begin to contract and to relax three times each one of the main muscles: peep, calves, thighs, field abdonimal, etc. Once you are relaxed, you display mentalente a beautiful landscape that make you feel well and in peace. This way, relaxed, you repeat these statements aloud: "My mind is able to cure my body", "Use my mind to cure my body", "My body heals thanks to the mental" control. Next, you continue with one of the two specific techniques to prevent illnesses and to diminish the pain.
How to prevent illnesses
To prevent illnesses, what we need is to maintain in good our form immune system. We will be able this way only not to feel well in all the levels, but being forewarned against possible infections. After the alcoholatura financial year it continues in the following way: You display your foot body in the landscape that you have imagined. You are in peace with yourself, satisfied, calm inwardly and in peace. You repeat this statement: I feel well and every day that pass I will feel better still, in the three you even body, mind and spirit, I control to the illness and I take it away from me." "My organism will defend of any attack, my mind will be clever in front of the setbacks, my spirit will give me the force to overcome them to all them."
To overcome the physical pain
Although not all the pains can be overcome with mental control, yes you are true that this technique helps to diminish the most intense pain due to common symptoms. You come this way after the first financial year or alcoholatura" "method. Located in the landscape, observe you to same put to bed tí, completely relaxed and calm. You are free of the illness or of the symptom that the pain takes place, you feel well, rested or you observe your body from above. When you contemplate it, you see an aura of white color that protect it and act'úa like a shield against all pain. I gave aloud: I am "better, you hurt me less, less and less. The pain goes disappearing and you will continue making it, every hour that happen, I will be better and you will end up leaving me."
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