
Bronchial Asthma

The bronchial asthma or asthmatic illness, are a respiratory process whose main feature is the breathing difficulty, called dyspnea, as a consequence of a decrease (stenosis) in the diameter of the petty bronchi and bronquiolos.

The affection is frequent and diverse. The factors of aggression of the air higher channels as a result of the industrialization and of the urbanization, with your atmospherical and microbial pollutions, and the development of new, industrial, labor products and medicamentosos that wrap our environment, they explain at statistic level the increase of the frequency of the asthma that are of quotidian observation in the practice of the medical query.

The great complexity of this illness as for your nature, your pathophysiological components and the unchaining factors, demands from her a disciplined work, patient and, in some occasions, almost fruitless, since, although you have been able to arise in start of an unique and precise lawsuit, later on your persistence and development can be due to a retinue polietiológico, in occasions difficult or impossible of figuring out in your true value.

The same as the pel and the digestive mucosa, the quarrel-traqueo-bronchial mucosa is a tissue of protection of the organism. These three tissues can be, in the same individuals, object of aggressions that, for similar mechanisms, they drive to edema reactions and inflammation; you explain to it how often the asthma associates in particular to certain type of cutaneous manifestations, that which give us the testimony of a land or a special constitution, such as eczema, urticaria and angioedema.

Another aspect that should be kept in mind is the patent fact that you are, in general, the whole mucosa of the respiratory channels, and not only that of the bronchi, the one that participate of this special reaction; you explain to it with how much frequency the asthma crisis comes preceded by rinitis symptoms, and that like you are logical to suppose, they obey the same mechanism.

Therefore, the asthmatic sick person's alcoholatura feature is the hipersensibilidadexagerada of your mucous traqueobronquial, in front of extraneous agents or endogenous factors. This sensibility can be detected by the general methods of diagnostics of the allergic illnesses and for other explorations or biologic complementary exams; you prove farmacodinámicas espirográficas, cellular and bacteriologic exam of the bronchial secretions, psychic context of the patient, etc.

What involve a true difficulty is the patent fact that rarely, the sensitization is unilateral, that is to say polarized toward a single alérgeno; it can happen that a polisensibilización already exists toward several alérgenos from the start of the illness or that the patient goes being sensitized to other, in the course of the time. On the other hand, the factors irritating inespecíficos and direct, and the microbial infection can, in turn, to prepare the one in route to the causal alérgeno; and inversely, the alérgeno can only be responsible for the bronchial "irritation" and to prepare this way the bed to the infection. If to we add it the surety of laimportancia of the psychological core or psicofisiológico of the patient, without forgetting the influence of the hormonal mechanisms, and the interaction of all these causal mechanisms that you/they are entangled and they are favored mutually, we will still have a shallow idea of the complexity of this affection and of how ambiguous and inaprensibles can be, sometimes, the roads for which the physician tries to find the important possible lawsuits and initials.

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