

The habones more or less big, pale and flanked of a reddish halo, generally very pruriginosos, of brief evolution, relapsing sometimes and that they can be disseminated by the whole surface of the skin, conatituyen the type of dermatosis called urticaria, for your similarity with the eruption that take place to the contact with the deadnettles. Besides the roncha and the cigar, the urticaria bud can accompany of other alterations, such as vessel spasms or intestinal, fever, tachycardia, hypotension, algias articulares, nauseas, among other.

The appearance rhythm and disappearance is extremely variable, and you give it place to two very well-known classes of this illness: the acute urticaria, with intense buds of disappearance in some hours or in a few days; and the chronic urticaria, with ronchas daily and in general less persistent pruritosas.

Of the meticulous, and sometimes difficult studio, of the lawsuits that can explain the intimate mechanism of this afecciñon, you concludes that the skin, in this case, the same as what happen for the mucous respratorias, has acquired a shade of sensibility or of answer in front of agents or diverse factors. If you are it due to specific alérgenos, and they act as such, in the maypría of the cases, those of alimentary type, or to hormonal psychic stimuli, physiques or infectious, at the same time that medicamentosos, constitutes an etiologic facet that the physician's sagacity will attempt desbozar.

If we add the importance that you/they sometimes acquire the local infections of the organism, centered in the intestine, appendix, kidney or teeth, we understand how difficult it can be the exhaustive studio of this illness.

In the case of the giant urticaria, angioedema or angioedema, you are from a similar eruption to that of the described urticaria, but with areas bigger and much deeper edematosas that invade the subcutaneous structures, besides the dermis. However actual base doesn't exist to consider these two processes like essentially different entities, since the same factors alergénicos are not able to unchain them.

If you affect the face, the edema it can end up acquiring such a big size that you impede the opening of the lids, and you are particularly important, due to the graveness that you had, the larynx edema, for the asphyxia hazard that you involve if you are not on time and meetly; you explain to it that, sometimes, you have to appeal to the tracheotomy.

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