
Other uses of Tarot

The letters of Tarot, are habitually used to guess the future or to ask on the consultant's legal capacity, as well as on the problems that he worries about. But besides these ends, the letters of Tarot are used with other objectives, I eat for example, in magic rituals. Such an utility derives of the symbolic high imposition of Tarot, especially, of the most important letters in the named "arcane" mallet that respond to the big queries of the human existence.

To summon to the most positive forces in the secrets, you allow us these to assure us total-protection lock. To have your help will allow to be carried out the transformations that you need: to attack with success important projects, to open a business, to search work, to begin a studio, among other.

For all ésto, we offer you a very plain financial year that you will be able to carry out when you want.

On a table, you prepare a white plain cloth and you pledge three candles of the same color, forming a triangle.

Under each candle, you arrange these secrets: The Justice (VIII) in the higher node; The Temperance (XIV) in the left node; and The Force (XI) in the right node.

Then you light the candles and concentrate on the positive energy of these letters that you/they represent the following concepts: Justicis represents a right behavior, the behavior ethical, good ends and, therefore, the success and the prosperity in what are sought. You guarantee protection against enemies and in the legal aspect. The Temperance helps in the taking of desiciones, especially, when you are to opt issues between two. You give surety, wisdom and you avoid when acting. The Force will contribute you will to persevere in your objective ones and not to give in in front of possible difficulties. You contribute, also, good luck and total-protection lock.

You look at the letter of The Justice and I gave aloud: "Support my hand, Arcane of the Good, guide me toward the prosperity and you take away from me any hazard." Next, you look at the letter of The Temperance and you repeat: "Support my Arcane heart of the wisdom, guide me toward the prosperity and you take away from me any error or fear." You look now at the letter of The Force and I gave: "Support my spirit, Arcane of the energy, guide me toward the prosperity and you take away from me any debility."

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