

This sexual abnormality, is defined like a search of the orgasm by means of the exhibition of the genital organs or of other body parts considered traditionally as shameful. You are characterized by a simultaneous association of modest fear and visual pleasure. The pure and bare exhibition, doesn't reach to characterize the abnormality exhibitionist, since the consistent pleasure when being contemplated sexually is important and elementary part of the preliminary pleasure, in the normal individual, regarding the diverse ones excitant natural of the sexual act. On the other hand, in the exhibitionism, you are a misalignment of the sexual interest fundamentally of the erotic complete act, being only centered at once partial of teaching the sex organs.

You are also important at once exhibitionist that the occasional witnesses get scared, or show certain excitation or edginess before the exhibition, since otherwise, if they are shown indifferent for example, they stop to be excitant stimuli for the exhibicinista. In fact, what the exhibitionist seeks is to excite the sexuality of other mediating one the show of your own sexuality, symbolized in this act by the genital organs. Naturally this individual attempts an erotic objective when being exhibited, in and of itself he makes it before witnesses although they are occasional, but this objective, is fully impersonal, anonymous and generic. This public, to say this way it, of the exhibitionist, consists on a woman or in the women in general, the girls and boys and children. You can, nevertheless, to exist a certain acuity under the conditions that the exhibitionist demands for your public. For example, you sometimes require certain type of women, rather religious or innocent, or women praying in a church. Therefore there is a contrast necessity between the moral insult or the animality of the act and the character cigar, almost sacred and forbidden of the object.

Now then, the public preferred by the exhibicinista is generally the infantile one, children or girls. The conditions that this public enters are good for those exhibitionists in those that the fear of the punishment is stronger than your erotic desire. for ésto they search this class of inferior witnesses as last petition, since it is about a public of little height and defenseless, without moral conscience and without understanding of the sexual thing. You tata therefore, of a public more or less liability and I propitiate to the shows. This impersonal public, is erotically the symbolic resume of the conditions more excitant or more favorable to the obtaining of the orgasm without hazard, condicines that fail in the election of a concrete individual that the exhibitionist chose as witness of your act and like sexual singular object.

The exhibitionist is almost always a man and, therefore, you exhibit the penis. The cases of feminine exhibitionism are strange and not very characteristic, and if they are given, they generally consist on due acts to a mental deficiency or an economic extreme penury that it push a woman to be exhibited like claim of a later prostitution. Also, in the feminine exhibitionism the chests, the stomach or the buttocks are generally exhibited, but hardly ever the vulva.

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