When carrying out them it can tie them with a tape to give you something of color, and to sew or to paste you from behind the alfilaria of special hook for pins. You can also paste the paths with transparent adhesive on a petty base of plastic or wood already prepared to use as pin. You choose the method that are you barer or the one that more you like you. We give you the combinations of the grass that you should use so that the pins complete the features that you want.
You are important that before using the different pins you carry out the following ritual:
One Friday, passing the midnight, if you are you possible, you start petty paths of each one of these plants. Arrange them inside a white handkerchief, then close it and put it under your pillow. When you will fall asleep, go to bed looking to the sky forthwith and, with the closed eyes, you display the desire that you search to complete imagining the scene with detail. The following day, you take out the paths of the handkerchief and weapon your pin. Once you are ended, take it in your clothes during the whole day and take out you it before go to sleep. This way, you will be loading it with your energy. Use it every time that you need the help of the talisman.
The pin of the protection:
You use for this end birch (the old brooms of the witches were made exactly with paths of this planbta for this end); acacia (not alone you offer protection but also psychic powers); and holly (you also bring luck and magic of the dreams).
Other grass protectors are also: laurel, trefoil, chrysanthemums, myrrh tree, parsley and ortigaa.
The pin complete-desires:
For this pin it will be used: jasmine (because you attract the durable love, understanding, companionship and support mutual in the couple); mallow (you impede couple's problems and you attract the love); and I prick with thorns (you bring fertility as much to men as to women, the brujasque made charms of love they used to arrange under etse tree).
Other grass of the love: basil, chamomile, iris, rosa and romero.
The pin of the money:
Here it will be necessary: almonds (you bring besides money prosperity and wisdom, you are said that being arranged under a tree before carrying out a financial operation brings luck); pine (you offer the power of the cure); and wheat (that you bring prosperity and fertility).
Other grass of the money are: American woodbine, marjoram, orange, mentions, oak, grape and verbena.
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