The prostate can be seat of infectious and tumorous illnesses. You have special longing for the prostate the gonocco, causing bacterium of the Blennorrhagia, the venereal illness still more frequent today; before the antibiotics, the blennorrhagia got complicated with prostatitis in 70-80% of the cases. The tumors prostáticos can be benign or malignant.
Among the illnesses prostáticas it deserves to be outstanding, for your frequency and for the problems that it outline, the call hypertrophy of the prostate. This gland that usually have the size of a chestnut, can in this illness to reach that of an apple. Due to this overgrowth, a decrease of the urethral light usually takes place that can drive to a total obstruction of the urethra, with consecutive urine retention. One of the first clinical manifestations is the decrease of the pressure of the stream of the urination; due to it, the patient when urinating, the footwear usually wets. If not you solucina, in the advance phases, with urine retention, gives place to urinary infections and an uremia.
The hypertrophy prostática is characteristic of the males in advance age, being your unknown lawsuit. It usually demands surgical treatment. As dietetic and hygienic measures, they are advisable the following ones: scarce alcohol intake, to drink few liquids, application of heat in the first floor stomach and not to take diruetic medicines.
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