When the size of the crystalline precipitate concretions is very petty, forming a powder epsecie that you edimenta in the excreted urination, we have the calls "sands." If the crystalline masses form concretions of more size, they are described as stones or calculations.
According to your chemical composition, the calculations are usually: of oxalates, of uric acid or of phosphates and carbonates.
The stone formation can be due to many lawsuits. You are sometimes about general illnesses, of metabolic type that you/they give place to an urinary excessive deletion of certain substances, facilitating your precipitation. This mechanism can appraise it in the trend to the dormación of calculations that exist in the drop and in the hyperparathyroidism. In other occasions, the calculations taducen a stasis urinal or infections of the urinary channels; in these cases they are of phosphates and carbonates. Finally, the sour urinations facilitate the precipitation of the uric acid and of your salts (urates) and of the calcium oxalate.
The treatment of the urinary calculations will be, in general, physician. You will only be indebted the surgical intervention when a calculation located in the uréter puts in hazard to the kidney, or when they are responsible for haemorrhages or of relapsing infections.
The diet will depend on the chemical composition of the calculations. In the uric acid calculations, they will be prohibited the liver, the kidney, the pig and the alcohol; and the diets will be recommended in fruits and vegetables; these patients alkaline (bicarbonatadas) waters will also ingest, to diminish the acidity of the urination and with it to increase the solubility of the urates. In the trend to the oxalic stone formation, the spinaches are outlawed, beets, dry figs, paprika, cocoa and you will combat the hiperacedéz. To avoid the excessive deletion of calcium for the urination, you will decrease the ingestion of milk and derivates (cheese, curd, butter, etc.); they will also be prohibited the alkaline ones, to avoid the precipitation of the calcium, and vitamin D won't be administered, because you favor the absorption from the ion calcium to level of the intestine, with what your rate rises in blood and in urination.
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