
They find genes related with the prostate cancer

For all it is known that that of prostate is in the entire world one of the types of more communio cancer in men, among other things, because your detection is based on a blood test, a method that have an error wide margin.

Now, a discovery could throw light on your early detection and therefore your prevention and cure, since they have been possible to identify seven genes associated with prostate tumors.

To discover them, they were analyzed to more than 10.000 individuals, observing that these genes are present in more than half of all the cases of prostate cancer. And some of these genes, you say the studio published in the magazine Nature Genetics, they could also help to the development of new treatments.

"These results will allow us to carry out genetic" "profiles to analyze the risk that the men have of developing the illness" the discoverers they assure. The genetic profile requires to extract DNA of the patient and to analyze it to see if you have the genetic variations that it would put it in risk of prostate tumors.

Also, this discovery will allow to hurry the development of drugs", they continue. Assuring the "obtaining of a specific medicine in one or two years."

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