This plain exercise practiced in the agreement lamasterios with the assumptions of the Tibetan medicine, you have been practiced during centuries like a rite to maintain the youth.
About what are you? You are very simple, such a cmo only makes the children of any place of the world for amusement, you consist on turning on oneself until experiencing a light sensation of dizziness. The exercise should begin in the foot position with the arms to the sides of the body hanging up in natural position; then, putting carefulness, they should be reverted in the sense of the needles of the clock, of left to right. When the dizziness appears you suit to stop. How much more you practice it, the number of drafts will be increased and we will note gradually how your vitality s eincrementa, since we will be able to increase the speed of the energy of the body.
This is a natural, so old ritual how easy and actual.
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