During the menopause, they are superimposed after causes that take to the ageing of the skin:
- the causes characteristic of the step of the time that he/she reduce the quantity of cilágeno fibers;
- others originated by the action of the sun (fotoenvejecimiento) that fundamentally it damages and you deteriorate the elasticum matter of the dermis;
- And derivative auqellas of the specific hormone changes of the menopause.
In this case the skin:
- you are dried up, you are tuned and empalidece
- you diminish your submitted to the physical traumatisms
- you lose your tonicity and elasticity progressively
- you diminish the global quantity of collagen (30% in the first 5 years)
- you diminish the elasticity, flexibility and formeza
- the hyaluronic acid taa that cause the reduction of the capacity of retention of water of the dermis diminish.
In conclusion, the decrease of estrogens bears mainly to the reduction of the cutaneous thickness: the skin is thin, you have lost your elasticity and the cutaneous plegamiento you are marked. With the help of the technique he/she has been able to measure the density of the skin in women of different ages, demonstrating how this diminishes in the menopausal women. the skin is less toned, as if you had "less padded." To be able to counteract these effects cosmetic solutions they have not been developed low invasive (that they don't require of surgeries) dermatologic control, those that limit the effects of the ullage of hormones.
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