You are about an ambulatory, but not hence smaller operation. One can make to any age and in any moment of the year. You should be made in a quirófano, with professional rigorous control and pre-surgical analysis. You are carried out with a general sedation more the crazy anaesthesia, and in some cases with general anesthesia. The allocation of the prosthesis is carried out through an incision in the mamma, existing three incicines classes: The submammary one that are carried out in the wrinkle below the mamma (you are that most used one); the periareolar, in the inferior semi circle of the mammary areola; and the axillary, only access channel that don't leave visible cicatríz, but and the one that bigger difficulty offers to assure the correct position of the implant.
As for the retrieval, the patient leaves to the house with a wrapped top. Not it should be hit neither to be given bathrooms deinmersión, and you should avoid the excessive movement. To the third day the first cure is made; then, he/she can already take a shower and to recapture your habitual tasks. The operation is not invalidating for the pain, for what to the fourth day lapersona can return to the work. The total retrieval is of around the sixty days. Then, handicaps don't exist to make sport, for example.
The surgical risks of this intervention, are the same ones that any other operation. In some cases, you are temporary loss of the sensibility in the scaring field. They can also be anomalous (keloids) scars, but ésto you depend of how you heal the patient's skin. Then the risks characteristic of the intervention type are: asymmetry of the mammas and later encapsulamiento.
You are important to also highlight that the implant of mammary prosthesis doesn't impede the nursing. With the current quality of this class of implants, you are difficult that you have silicona leak toward the milk.
Another point in which suit to make stress, is in the fact that borders exist as for the volume of the prosthesis. If a bigger volume is included the one that the skin can contain naturally, they increase the risks that the wound opens up and exist complications. In each case, beyond the patient's will, you are instructions and on borders for the physician.
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