In the last years, to think of treatments for the sexual problems, you were to think exclusively of drugs. Indeed, they are indispensable in many cases and some of them with spectacular results. But they are potentialized in significant form when, besides your ingestion, you are added a régime or dietetic programa that it allow to control the weight, to tune the silhouette, to download the figures of cholesterol. The call cellular" "nutrition allows a maximum use of the managed medication, an increase of the energy and also, a significant reduction of the values (after a prudential time) of the quantity of incorporate medicines.
Today you are known that the fat tissue is considered by the World health organization like an organ, desperso for the whole body, and that hormonal substances that are "antierógenas", antieréctiles and antiorgásmicas take place. Of there the importance of the complete power supply, saciable and beneficial for the health.
In The last decades, a group of investigators makes a physical analysis of the foods, that which determined your classification in seven types, of different features one of the other and indispensable each one for the good health maintenance. Unfortunately, due to the civilization and to your technological advances, we also ingest several types of altered energy that it interfere with the vital processes, modifying them and dostorcionándolos. Also, they don't only exercise a chemical contamination, but rather tanbién "dirties" the diverse energy levels.
To understand better ésto, we will make a brief resume: the font of vital energy for all the alive beings is the sun. When your light crosses a crystalline prism, the phenomenon of decomposition of the same one takes place in seven different energy bands that we identify for your color and that we all know with the rainbow name. We need the solar energy in your entirety, and to take advantage of it there is in our body seven energy structures with different features one of the other, specific each one for each band of solar spectrum. A structure, in turn, is the one in charge of giving your energy type to the group of organs and systems that are low your dependence and with which you/they will work under good conditions. To clarify it better, let us take the example of a fabricated motor for certain type of fuel. If you receive it, you will work well; if you are put another that don't correspond you, you will begin to fail at one time more or less prolonged until finally it will be ruined. With us it happens something similar. To the end of a time, they appear functional minimum alterations that, if the composition of the diet doesn't change, they follow prograsando until the damage is bigger, being able to make even anatomic and, in consequence, more serious.
As for the pollutants to avoid, they are several that is: the tobacco plant as much for the smoker as for the one that you don't smoke and you breathe the produced fume. The marijuana the same as the tobacco plant and the smog in all the cities that have it. The addiction drugs. The chemical preservatives, so much those that are used in the foods packaged as the dyes, edulcorating agents, saborizantes and perfuming chemists, pesticides and fertilizers. As for the detergents, you are to rinse the china quickly and to use of preference the biodegradable ones.
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