The cigarette doesn't assure in no way to maintain the body weight. You increase in some cases, and only slightly, the basal metabolism, but you are not you exercise it the comparable to how.
You are deuna addiction and, as all addiction it requires of a treatment. If the cigarette was a strong suspensor of the appetite, the smoking and obese patients would not exist, and you are many more than those that one thinks. You are a very frequent query the combination of important overweight, tabaquismo and sedentarismo, with the added fear of to leave the cigarette and to gain weight.
Numerous investigations show that any relationship doesn't exist between the tabaquismo and the decrease of weight that yes you produce ageing of the arteries of the whole body and of the skin of the face, loss of light transmission of the eye lens and, of course, a dramatic increase in the incidence of of the cancer. The solution to the decrease of weight is never the cigarette, but the majeno of the diet and the physical programmed exercise.
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