Dislocated shoulder
This is to what you/they refer who you/they say I took out "myself the shoulder of the place." You are about a common lesion among those that shot, tennis players and golfers practice. You are important to exercise this muscular area, what will contribute to maintain the shoulder in your place.
Tennis player's elbow
You are an inflammation of the muscles of the forearm and of the tendon that connect them with the elbow. You are recommended to apply ice 20 minutes per time, until an hour and a half after having concluded the work. Before the pain, cortisone can be prescribed.
Spasm of the base of the shoulder
The pressure and the muscle weakness return to the prone muscle to the lesions. For this lesion class, you should take aspirins and to make rest. You are also necessary to apply ice for 20 minutes, in a frequent way during the first days. If after 10 days any enhancement is not experienced, it can end up being necessary the physiotherapy.
Neck stiffness
Also called "blow of air", you are a common lesion in tennis players and cyclists. For this lesion ice will be applied the first 48 hours. After each application of 20 minutes, you are to carry out a soft neck flexion moving the chin toward abahjo and turning it from shoulder to shoulder. If the pain is very intense, you will have to consult to the physician since it can be necessary a relaxant or anti-inflammatory.
Muscular tug
You take place when a sudden effort stretches the muscle fibers beyond your capacity. Immediately, you are to cool the field mediating ice and to carry out an absolute rest from one to two days of the affected field, until you decrease the "spasm" of the muscle.
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