Here we expose a list that contain the lesions happened to more habitual sportsmen of today and always.
Arch pain
You are the inflammation of corridors and people that choose bad your sport footwear or that they pass from the sedentary life to the intense activity in an abrupt way. Elñ daily treatment of this lesion, s ebasa in filling a cardboard vessel with water, to freeze it and to apply it with circular movements on the check and the arch during 10 minutes. You are to repeat this action different times a day, mainly, after making sport.
Spasm tibia-fibula
This is a very habitual lesion among those who jogging, exercises aeróbicos of high impact and competition athletes practice. A very frequent symptom of this aspect is the deep pain that he/she are born inside the calf and you irradiate forward. To combat ésto, sport well designed footwear should be used, to enter slowly in heat and not to run on hard surfaces.
Ankle sprain
You take place for the distención of the external ligaments of the ankle. When ésto happens, you are to freeze the ankle with an elasticum bandage. The first 48 hours, you should be applied 20 minutes of ice every 2 hours and to arrange the ankle in high position.
Inflammation of the aquiles tendon
This is the famous "tendinitis." To alleviate it, rest should be made, to arrange 20 minutes of ice different times a day and to take aspirin to reduce the inflammation and the pain. You are necessary to make work the damaged tendon. For it the affected person should be arranged in tip of feet by 10 seconds, different times per day. The complete retrieval takes around two weeks.
Corridor knee
The symptom that characterize this lesion, is the pain in the interior part of the kneecap. To alleviate the sportsman, you should be carried out exercises correctives of cuádriceps invigoration. You are also to accompany the treatment with aspirins.
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