All the men have a masculine" "vagina, and truly he/she could book credit an actual vagina, but the testosterone was taken charge this not to happen and now it is a miserable tissue piece hanging up of the bladder, like a label with the price.
He/she can give you laugh, but your you have a likewise, all the men have it. You are a memory of our step for the feminine matrix, when our sexual definition was blurred as an ovnis video.
The men also have hymen, without any specific feature, and this localised one near the prostate. These are so alone two of the sexual many mysteries that we have discovered.
Or you are that you have not wondered.
Why do we have pubic hair?
The body hair transmits aromas of the aromatic glands of the genital toward those who can be possible prospectuses of even. The body hair is as guide's lighthouse that direct the traffic toward the better preserved field of our body.
Why do the women have two chests?
As the women in general procreate a single descendant every time, having two chests allows you to leave one standby, in the start of the nursing, then both are good to leave satisfied the new descendant's hunger.
Why does your penis become petty in winter?
You are about a protection mechanism. When they receive cold air in a threatening climate, your testicles hide like a mala poker hand. The muscles in the spermatic cord stretch the testicles and they leave them free of hazard, as well as to the penis. The receivers in the skin of the scrota control the sanguine fluid and they are very sensitive to the extraneous temperatures. In turn, the blood is a correspondent to other vital organs. .si considers it necessary, explain to you this to your couple.
Why are the penises of the stars of pornographic movies more exaggerated than a piece of cold flesh?
Any person that of the prognosis of the time for television, you will be able to you to say that the chambers make see the biggest things. The stars pron make your work very closely and in front of the chamber, for what the lens provides you on or about from 2 to 3 centimeters more than length that a normal penis.
These plaintiffs of the screen are also snipped the pubic hair and they use a vacuum cleaner bomb to fill out, enlarging your organ temporarily with sanguine bigger flow. You are considered that these people have your penis 30 shorter percent of what you leave.
Why do we curve when we see that somebody is hit in the area of the groin?
The testicles are extremely sensitive, and they contain infinity of nervous terminals.
The testicles take form in the abdomen, near the stomach and the kidneys; the ledges and the blood vessels remain wired still after the gónadas balances for the blow. For that reason, once you have received a blow in the testicles, the pain in the mouth of the stomach. And that pain is so intense that us the men can experience it with the bare one made of seeing somebody more to receive a blow there. This is true empathy. Who do say that the men don't have feelings?
Why the models of clothes "children seem with chests?"
What the men find attractive in the women has remained well formed invariable .cuerpos, girls' looks and rich parents - In a comparative studio of competitions of beauty, in the last three decades the curvature "waist-hip", you have remained invariable. Then, why do the models have the appearance of having been escaped from a parvularia school? The experts conclude that this is due to an evolutionary similar strategy to a tournament where you/they occur certain inducements to those fewer outstripped, to achieve an equality of conditions. A woman that are attractive, when reducing your femininity a little, it can be much more attractive and sexier
Why does that woman dance tap so intensely?
The most probable thing is that you are masturbating. A woman can masturbate until arriving to the orgasm, simply with to cross the legs and to take your I peeped top down. If a woman sits down to your side, and smoothly you/he/she balances your leg, you will know what are happening. For that reason it is that in most of surveys they affirm that they masturbate less than the men. The women consider this like a subtle car form - to delight, something like that as going shopping.
Why do some men like to use the "wives?"
Nowadays they are something more than an accessory in fashion. Tying a person, you feed the natural competency of the human sexuality. If your literally ties your partner, you will obtain very few barriers to consent to your intimacy. Tying the couple raises the volume from the answer meter signal to the sexuality.
Why inanimate objects are many men attracted by they?
The fetishism is the act of concentrating on a very specific object, instead of making it in something actual. You are men that are obsessed with the woman's underwear until the point of replacing to the feminine own sex organs. The men are highly sexual infants, less interested in the relationships, but hooked to the visual aspects. Because the sex brings much less consequences to the men, you are easier for us to use objects that substitute our sex partners.
Why our testicles you tornan of blue color after book credit wasted hours in the game of caresses?
Not they are your testicles those that return blue, you are the skin of the scrotum. When you are excited, the non alone blood flows to the penis, but to the whole complete area. Among more time you remain excited, more time the blood you will remain there. The new blood that circulate will be of red color, but the old blood that have accumulated, which have less oxygen, you blue tornará. You are in and of itself that your testicles seem to contain blue more blood. This is not painful, so you won't have to run to the emergency room. If this dura per hours, will be better to see a physician. Or to search a pair of socks that you/they merge.
Why do the men like the pornography and to the women the romantic novels?
Young many women with well formed bodies want to serve the man with an investment of short time .de this is the hyphen of a pornographic movie -, you are Also part of our reproductive strategy. You are for that reason that we don't see many appointments or you release conversations in these "jewels" of the homemade cinematography.
And when you are them we take the control and we antedate the scene, such and like you happen in the actual life. The pornography satisfies the man's evolutionary necessities somehow, as well as the romantic novels make it with the women.
Your reproductive strategy is to identify the correct man protective .un, attractiveness and affective man that he/she only love them to them -.
The pornography and the romantic novels are paralyzing mechanisms-
Why did you stop to have spontaneous erections?
In the adolescence the spontaneous erections are frequent. They can happen to half of the class, in the lunch, in the gym. When we grow these they stop to be surprising for that when arriving to adults one has a hormonal better control, as well as a better maturation process in the neurological channels that it prevent that the spontaneous erections happen.
With regard to the erections happened when sleeping: the sex is in our head; but your body doesn't recognize the difference.
Why do we like the sex among lesbians, and because to them it doesn't provoke them in a same way the sex among men?
As the man it is quite visual, it can be inserted in the procedure without having to invite to have dinner to the two women. The experts assure that the sex lesbiano is a sexual great educator. Few men know how a vagina is, when observing the sexual act between two highly sensitive women to the tact, you will be able to enjoy the best programa of sexual education that you have never seen.
On the contrary for the women, two men having sex, rather it would cause you rejection, they are less visual and more sensitive to the tact when making love: two shoulders with body hair, two stomachs (not very flat) and two faces not very attractive?
You are for that reason that they prefer to see the telenovelas or go to take coffee!
Why is an orgasm explosive and another is not more than a bare leak?
Is one night explosive, does the following one download the intensity a little, to what do you owe you? This depends on the quantity of semen that are low pressure in the penis, the testicles, the prostate and the seminal blisters. This pressure this certain one for many factors, including the quantity of physical stimulation and your physical own condition.
The penis is a receiver, specialized in the sex. The sex organ number one is the brain. For that reason the intensity of an ejaculation can depend on the place change or in the same couple.
Why many people do they have certain affection for the feet?
Also this has to do with the brain, the sensations are localized in the parietal" "band, in the parietal lobe of the brain. You are there where all the corporal sensations are connected. The genital and the feet are divided by a thin thatched top in this sensitive neighborhood. This explains because the fetishism toward the feet. You also explain the why the women count with more and more and more and more shoes.
A great quantity of sexuality expressed in the shoes that the women use exist. Perhaps this you are the best excuse to procure a work in a shoe store for ladies.
Why do the women take more in reaching the climax that us the men?
Perhaps for that the women use the years of your sexual formation making much more important things that the men. (you be what are, desapruébalo)
The idea that the masculine climax to the 18 years is as the feminine of the years 30, you don't have a psychological base. The women don't have a sexual complete test in the first years of sexual activity, so it takes you more time to realize what you are what take them to the orgasm.
Simply the men manage in automatic, the women in manual. When they arrive to the 30 years, definitively they have more test.
Why is to have sex with a beautiful woman but invigorating that with a lacking of beauty?
You will be evaluated by your new sex partner, a woman that are so wanted that you assume that you have already had other sexual encounters with other men.
Your subconscious one assumes that you are not the first in your life, and that she is comparing you with the other ones. This makes you to unwrap yourself as a real expert.
If she is last of weight and you are not so attractive, you won't have any problem. Not you will suffer of the stranger anxiety of knowing your appraisal on your acting in the bed.
Why do they sometimes say goodbye to an unpleasant odor in the low field?
If the aroma glands are locked with some barriers like the pantimedias, underwear, skirts, etc. you can take yourself a surprise meeting with a quite unpleasant odor.
The ideal solution would be that they are naked the whole day so that you don't have any problem. (you write this idea and deposit it in the suggestion box of your company).
Why should not you blow inside the vagina of a woman?
If at some time you heard this rumor you are very certain. During the pregnancy, and some weeks blowing inside the vagina can force later, to create air inside the uterus.
If that air enters inside the venous (a well-known condition as embolism) channels, it can be mortal. You attempt another way to come closer to her.
Why can the women have multiple orgasms, contrary to us that only procure one or maybe two?
In a realized studio with a voluntary woman that had sexual relationships with a man until achieving the orgasm, your climax points were recorded by electrodes, and later the man was replaced by another volunteer. In total 8 men they gave your best effort in for of the science.
The studio stopped after achieving the neighbors' 50 orgasms consecutive and numerous complaints. The women can make this, you are a fact!, since they don't ejaculate, and therefore they don't need a period of refraction before entering in share again.
The men, on the other hand, they could have infinity of orgasms if you were not for the retrieval necessity before the proximate encounter, that which, of course, you become progressively more difficult and possibly, impossible,
Thinking it well, you are something good, because otherwise to return to the work would be dificilísimo.
Why do you love us to the men to attack from behind?
The missionary style "in front of front" is in fact a new position favored by the humans. The women prefer it for the visual contact. But us the men, we still conserve that animal and wild-type instinct that make us want more the "quadruped" position, which also allow us to see the results of the soccer in television.
Why do the women love to ride on horseback?
They can tell you that they like to feel the wind in your hair. But the truth, here, is that you enter your thighs they receive the pleasure. Where the seat makes skin contact you are known as the perineal area, or commonly call "the sexual" skin.
You are populated densely of tactile receivers, designed to receive pulses of pleasure. When touching or to play this area, you will be giving pleasure, since the receivers are very numerous. If you want it you offer to be the horse, but that she doesn't use spurs.
Why do the men have nipples?
For the same reason that we have some lower-cases and useless vaginas. The men, in your embryo state, are also women, that is to say, a prototype that have nipples. Adding testosterone in a critical stage means that you will be a man, however, you will conserve the nipples.And for if you these asking, the men can provide of milk with the hormonal correct injections. The reason no man wants it you are another story
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