1.-The sex is a treatment of beauty. You prove scientists they have checked that when the woman has relationships you produce great quantity of estrogen, what revert the brilliant and soft hair.
2. To make the soft love and relajadamente reduces the possibilities to suffer dermatitis, acne and acne. The produced clean perspiration the shrinkholes and you make shine your skin.
3. To make love all those calories that you accumulated in that romantic dinner burns
4.El sex is one of the safest sports. You strengthen and you almost strengthen all the muscles of the body. You are more pleasant than to swim 20 reverted, and you don't need special slippers!
5. The sex is an instant cure for the depression. You release endorphins in the sanguine flow, creating a state of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being
6.-While more sex has more possibilities you have of having more. An enabled body sexually contains bigger quantity of pheromones. This subtle aroma excites to the opposite sex!
7. The sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. You are MORE ACTUAL 10 TIMES THAT VALIUM.
8. To be kissed every day allows to take away from the dentist. The kisses help to the saliva to clean the teeth and the quantity of acid that cause the attenuation of the enamel diminish.
9.El sex alleviates the headaches. Every time that you make the love the pressure of the veins of the brain you are alleviated. 10. To make love a lot can clear a nasal engorgement. The sex is a natural antihistamínico. You help to combat the asthma and the spring allergies.
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