The travestista imagines that you go against your nature to have to live as man or I eat woman, according to the cases, without never reaching a possibility to follow the spontaneous inclinations of your "me." You carry you to it a continuing state of pressure that can lead to neurotic conflicts more or less intense and psiblemente to suicide attempts. When the travestistas takes feminine clothes and they show up as women, they experience ralajación, balance and inspiration. The same thing happens to the travestistas. The origins of the travestismo are to search them, in most of the cases, in the first childhood: an intense desire to be girl, a preference to play with dolls, blended sympathy with envy toward the girls, and the satisfaction that produced you pnerse clothes of girls.
The years of puberty they don't offer change in them, although they end up realizing your abnormal state. The youth will separate your friends being eradicated, remote and solitary. The ullage of understanding that find you will make be isolated of your partners and friends; you will hide your trends and you will determine unsuccessfully to dominate them. In the successive thing, the sensation of being a woman that you/they have to behave as a homnre will constitute the factor that dominate everything in the patient's life.
In the prmeros years of your mature life he/she can try to expire your trend by means of a five pesetas masculine work, and often it ends up carrying out the sexual normal contact and to marry. Some that only constitute a limited number, attempt in vain to be treated by means of hormonal treatment. But your inclination will be impossible to correct and they will have to abort the fight. You are others that resign and they satisfy your trends travestistas in the solitude, hiding of all. Other they decide to face with the society: they want that people you of for informed of your right to live as women. You seem difficult to affirm with surety until what age the trends travestistas persist, but you are tests that the problem stays I live in almost sixty year-old men: they would be willing to even sacrifice what were with such of living some few years like women, as age women.
In the travestismo there are This way identification processes with the sex that you/they seek to imitate, in the man travestista, you are an irresistible trend to represent the feminine paper. If we wonder the why of this inclination, we can find an answer in an authentic process of the male's afeminamiento, due to a purely educational problem and psicodinámico. In your identification with the femeneidad don't save any effort, and many times they undergo during months and years dangerous treatments, as implants, implants, injectable of female hormones in high dose, and other. The spectacular and quick result of these treatments is, from a start, the modification of the hormonal balance, and of there he/she spends to the progressive disappearance of the facial body hair, to the development of the mammary (some attestations mammas appear where before there was a male breast and flat) glands, the voice is tuned and they change the sexual vivencias.
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