
Gerontofilia - sex with old men

Inside the abnormalities of the sexual behavior regarding the age, they fit those in the one that the chronological abnormality doesn't relapse in the fellow in issue, but in the objective that search like half of arriving to the sexual satisfaction. These objectives escape to the normal age to correspond to a sexual adjusted behavior, already for your little age, or for your excessive age. In the first case, you are about the pedofilia, and in the second, of the gerontofilia. These terms proceed etimológicamente of the Greek and they mean, translated literally, "love to the children" and "love to the old men."

Then gerontofilia means "love to the old men" and you consist on the obtaining of the sexual satisfaction by means of erotic relationships with old men or old men. Also in the gerontófilo a serious complex of inferiority exists, being estaa very similar abnormality to the pedofilia, only here the aesthetic motivation is supplied by a dependence motivation and of protection search. The gerontofilia sometimes rests in a necessity of feeling higher in the erotic relationships that the individuals enter with serious complexes of inferiority. The gerontofilia is sometimes due to the irreducible uptake in a parental (the father, the mother) image or to an impossibility of liquidating the affective-erotic complexes of the childhood.

For a similar motivation, although in another scale it is given currently in the youths a certain inclination for the mature man, with some white hair inclusive ("the interesting" man), and in the boy, a similar attraction for the mature ("the interesting" woman) woman. Due to it, and among other lawsuits, are comprehensible the marriages with great frequency in girls that have lost your father in the childhood or that they suffer of your father a patent rejection. The unique children have kind of an exaggerated sentimentality for people of considerable age and very rarely they are flanked of children. They are precocious and they feel old.

The cases of uptake in the adult of the parental image from your childhood are very clear equally in the boy. You are always about the mother, of some bigger sister or of an aunt. Sometimes, the uptake and you carry out on the grandparents. This way, some authors affirm that the children educated by the grandparents have a certain inclination to the gerontofilia. In occasions it has contributed to that uptake the fact that the grandparents have ended up "playing" sexually with the grandsons. At least you are very communio the practice of the bed (to sleep rn the same bed) of the children with your grandparents.

You contribute to that conflicting uptake the one that the parents are often very severe and frustrate the boy excessively. On the other hand, the grandparents are gratifying and they spoil your grandsons.

All the sexual nomalías that refer to the sexual paradox can only be corrected by means of psychological and psychiatric treatments, you be unless of some case of sexual precocity caused by a hormonal problem, since then it is necessary to go to the endocrinólogo. You are also very important the social consideration of these problems in the concerning thing to the prevention of the infantile prostitution and a sexual normal education capable of canalñizar on time, from the first steps, the human sexuality.

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