
You are Fat? Do You Want to Lose Weight? Healthy Power Supply

The growing concern to follow an equilibrated diet to prevent illnesses and the alarming cult to the thinness has propitiated that we worry about issues related with the power supply more and more.

This great interest has allowed that erroneous beliefs that confuse people that want to stay in weight or to lose some kilo, since too often food arise you are given to ideas on nutrition that you/they lack scientific rigor. The myths around the power supply proliferate especially in these dates, for what are the moment to clarify some alcoholatura concepts.

The energy of the foods
Many people include the foods in two groups: those that put on weight and those that don't put on weight. This simplistic classification lacks nutritional foundation and it can cause that we follow an inadequate diet.
The human organism obtains energy of the distributed macronutrientes (hydrates of carbon, proteins and fat) in a heterogeneous way in the foods. Our body needs energy to carry out the vital features: the nervous system works with electric energy, the muscular one with mechanics, the thermal energy regulates the corporal temperature and with chemical energy it is possible to obtain different molecules. These energy types take place in the organism starting from the substances chemical constituentes of the macronutrientes by means of metabolic complex reactions. The energy value of the nutrients and, therefore, of the foods that control them it expresses in Kilocalories (Kcal), since during the metabolism heat was generated.

All the foods except the water contribute energy, unless they stay in the plate. An energy for if alone you don't have capacity of to put on weight or not to put on weight. The energy value of a concrete energy or a plate is determined by the content in macronutrientes of the energy or of the plate, and for the quantity that the person consummates throughout the day or habitually. The key: to eat of everything in an equilibrated way and in the appropriate proportions.

Foods that put on weight

The bread puts on weight: DUMMY

You are the typical sentence of who start for onés account to diet. You are also said that the pasta, the rice, the vegetables or the potatoes put on weight, when you are not this way. All these foods provide hydrates of carbon, the nutrients that the organism requires in more quantity and that they should suppose between 50% and 55% of the total of calories of the diet. You exist the erroneous belief that the hydrates of carbon put on weight. Your caloric value is of 4 Kilocalories for gram, as that of the proteins, while that of the fats is of 9 Kilocalories for gram. To equality of weight the fats contribute more calories, that is to say, the rich foods in fats are caloricer than the rich foods in hydrates of carbon.
And we don't double-cross ourselves: in many cases what raise the calories of the bread is the accompaniment (butter, inlaid, bacón, cheeses, etc.), most rich foods in fat.

The fruits like the banana, the figs, the cherries and the grapes, put on weight: DUMMY

These fruits contribute more calories for each 100 grams than others as the apple, the orange, etc., for that that taking less quantity, the contribution of calories is similar to that of an apple or orange medians.
For 100 grams:
banana: 85 kcal;
grapes: 65 kcal;
figs: 66 kcal;
cherries: 60 kcal.
other fruits: 30-50 kcal.

Any fruit puts on weight taken after eating: DUMMY

A fruit contributes the same calories or after the foods. If you take before you produce satiety, since it contains fiber. The order in that the foods are ingested doesn't influence in the total of daily calories, although yes it can affect to the digestion of the same ones.

The water taken in the food puts on weight: DUMMY

The water doesn't contribute energy, because you don't contain macronutrientes. Therefore, you don't put on weight although you take before, during or after the foods. If you drink before eating it can cause satiety sensation and this way to avoid the usage of other foods. To take a lot of water during the foods can make that the digestion is more dilatory because they are diluted in her the gastric juices.

The keynote and the bitter put on weight less than other sodas: DUMMY

In spite of your acrid flavor, those two drinks contain a quantity of sugar (90 grams for liter the keynote and up to 135 grams for liter the bitter) that you are to keep in mind if diets hipocalóricas are continued. The keynote, besides the common ingredients, contains extracts of fruits and a petty quantity of quinine. The composition of the bitter is similar to that of the keynote, although you possess less quinine and more sugar. The acrid vegetable extracts confer you certain share aperitiva and digestive. A can (33 cl) of keynote and of bitter they provide some 120 and 180 Kilocalories, respectively.

The hydrates of carbon and the proteins cannot unite in the same food: DUMMY

Practically all the foods are a mixture of hydrates of carbon, proteins and fat, for what are not logical to separate some foods of other when your own composition is a complex mixture. The man's digestive system is prepared to carry out the digestion of the most varied mixture of foods. Only in having determined circumstances (for example, in the event of submitted to the insulin), it can be more effective to split the contribution of nutritious in having determined moments of the day. Nevertheless, this decision corresponds the nutritionist that will take it after a dietetic detailed studio that will include the clinical pertinent analyses.

Foods that don't put on weight (or that they help to lose weight)

The integral foods don't put on weight: DUMMY

The integral foods contribute more fiber than the refined ones, but the composition in the remainder of nutrients you are similar. That is to say, to equality of weight they contribute the same calories. The interesting of the fiber is that you improve the intestinal transit, you contribute to reduce the levels of glucose and cholesterol of the blood and you prevent illnesses like the cancer. You seek advice to include in the diet integral products for these reasons, but I don't eat method to reduce calories.

The olive oil doesn't put on weight: DUMMY

The olive oil, the same as the remainder of oleums, contributes 9 calories for gram, so much if you waste away raw or cooked, for what should control your usage in the event of excess of weight. A soup (10 grams) tablespoon of oleum (olive, sunflower, corn.) contributes 90 Kilocalories. Care when seasoning salads.

The foods light help to lose weight: DUMMY

The foods light contribute less quantity of calories that your equivalent one normal if you take the same quantity, but that doesn't mean that they are good to lose weight.
Many products light continue being caloric for your own nature, because good part of your ingredients is fat necessary for your elaboration, to confer you your flavor, texture. Examples of this are the mayonnaise light, the potatoes fried light or the paté light that should waste away with a lot of moderation because they continue being very caloric in comparison with other foods non light.
And you are that if we revise the label we can check that not all the products light are as slight as they seem. According to the regulatory scheme, the requirements that it should complete an energy to be qualified light are: that you have reference products in the market (whole milk and skimmed milk, mayonnaise and your homologous light.) that the reduction in value of the energy value is as minimum of 30% regarding the reference product and that in the labeling, besides mentioning the percent of reduction in value of calories, you appear your energy (for 100 grams or 100 milliliters) value and that of the reference energy, including if you want you, the energy value for portion.

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