In the amyoría of the chaos, the pedofilia takes possession of the adult in surprising form. Diverse investigators have affirmed that certain professions are latently pedofílicas (educators, teachers, personnel staff of having confined, etc.), being based on the theory of the psicopatología of the professional election. In this case, you would be about a motivation pedofílica.
The lawsuit of this abnormality possibly resides well in a serious complex of inferiority, well in an accused infantilism psicosexual. You are adults that fear the sexual normal relationships because, for a feeling of organic or psychic minusvalía, they are unable to carry out it in a satisfactory way. Then, if they don't have enough the offset masturbatoria, they should choose a sex partner that exclude in if the sexual normal relationship, and this couple can only be a boy, in a great legal age d ecasos. You are the typical physique of the friend of the children, always willing to dispense goodies to anyone of them. All city that count with more than a million inhabitants he/she has your infantile secret prostitution, generally formed by small ochicas something faulty, psychopaths or of social tiny levels. During the wars there is an enormous increment of the infantile prostitution. Children are also used with ends of blackmail.
Generally, the pedófilos is searched themselves in the image of the children or they seek to revive a scene from the infantile sexuality to which you/they were more or less fixed. In many cases of pedofilia it can be discovered the existence of a trauma that subsist through some obsessive fantasies that push to the subject one to be released of the same one by means of your repetition. i keeps in mind that said, we will be able to understand why the pedófilos runs after an infantile test and the reason that these acts are sometimes carried out in a compulsive way. Some pedófilos enters in occasions epileptic crisis. Those that leave in your abnormality of a serious inferiridad complex, sebre all type psicosexual, they come closer to the children because the inexperience and little capacity of defense of these excite you, at least them desinhibe before the expression sexula waived in a normal relationship.
Sometimes, the pedófilos wants to control your abnormality becoming the children's enemies, even arriving to criminal activities with infantile victims. Each pedófilo shows a special preference had determined ages. This way, some are only attracted by children between 5 and 10 years; other on the other hand, the prefierem in plenum age prepubertal (between 10 and 14 years). To these they are also called efebófilos.
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