
The bad side of the animal in the love

No non illuminated human being has stopped to experience that together with the divine fondness they also arrive the pulses of infernal posesividad. On a brown bear of the National Park of Yellowstone, naturalistic Thomas McNamee wrote: You couched in the nest of sheets and paths that it were your day bed, passing a claw protector and possessive for your shoulder. When other brown bears came closer... a single grunt used to be enough so that the competitor went away.

The jealousies also blind and they deafen the animals. For example, the male tiger never removes you the view to your female: the slightest movement in your queue "even captures your carefulness." Fisher says: The human tendency to pursue, and even to murder, to a bewildered lover probably comes from this animal tendency to monitor the couple.

Konrad Lorenz, the founder of the etología, is who better you have studied the aggression instinct. But the one of the integrated aggression to the affection--typical of the human bewildered lovers--you found it Drösher in the tigers: The honeymoon of the feline big predators begins with the females behaving as children. This way it attracts the tiger. At the beginning, this you are to the expectation and you observe your movements at a sure distance. Then she is about him different times, you expand your flanks to your view, you coax it with your games, you show you all your feminine charms, you purr you and, at the end, you caress the boyfriend's face with the hair of your mustache. If the male tiger believes that you have already arrived to the object of your yearnings, you make a mistake. When you also try to be expressed with fondness, the female changes humor suddenly and you stop to be a loving kitten to become a beast that puff, you teach the teeth and sack the claws.

But if the conquest is persistent, the mating you almost homicidal restitution: the core catches with the teeth the nape of the female and in the frontier of a mortal bite it stimulates it savagely. Drösher concluded: You are the curious mixture of opposed instincts. When an in love person says to your couple: You would eat "you to kisses", express the sentimental status with a lot of justeza.

But the history pasional of the tigers continues, with reminiscences to the insane lovers and tanáticos. After the delivery, to the female the demons enter you: you shake of the boyfriend and you attack it with genuinely murderous intentions... the core is unable to reject it for purely psychic reasons, although the female is about to kill him. The tiger, if you don't have before been able to undertake the leak, you undergo defenseless to this but cruel... then, the animal acts with a 'freshness' that seem incredible: to the end of little while, you attract it again with tender meows...

Here it fits a reflection more: the tigers are animal solitary. The ritual of love is almost the same one for the lion, for example, but this you have a gregarious spirit and, you seem that for this reason, never be the one in hazard of the self-absorbed tiger of dying after a satisfied, alone and self-destructing female. The flock makes them brutally solidary. Naturalistic George Schaller describes to the incited lioness: You seem to be that a core in period of retinue was a gazelle next to a pond. So it discontinued the retinue to get the trophy. Then it took the delicious gift to the female and you sat down near her to contemplate how she ate up everything. A moving and surprising detail if we keep in mind that you were hungry.

Maybe the biggest argument against the hippies and your love libérrimo had been able to come from the professor Otto Koening, director of the Biologic Institute of Wilhelminenberg, in Vienna who had intended to create a paradise on the earth, for a colony of thirty garcillas bueyeras, with inexhaustible provisions of food. The result was a hell for these birds that usually live in severe monogamy... a limitless life sexual non creó at all a world of kind love to the neighbor, but violation, a fear constant and bloody fights.

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