
Cures at distance

You are a force, an energy that beyond the reasoning or laboratory tests, you behave in a transcendent and miraculous way in the life of people. Some can call it supernatural, but this is not this way. They are natural, own forces, innate of the human being, appropriate with the nature everything. This is the first that one should accept to begin to modify interior condicionamientos that up to now, they have driven to the humanity to depend more than the other ones that of themselves and of your potentials.

When the energy are used by the mind conciente they fulfill your feature according to the will of who emitted them. For that reason, the pansies have a power that you are used every day without people, with your quotidian problems, fix a lot in it.

You think of this and you look at all that exist to your surroundings. That that you this seeing now, before it was in the mind of a person, then it was materialized in concrete objects, with visible and palpable existence, but before, you were in the pansy of somebody. Then with the force of your creative will and the directed pansy could sum up an idea. The power of the mind acted once again.

The negative pansies, of jealousies, displeasures, grief, bitterness, anxiety, suspects, bitterness, resentments, fears, etc, they are also energy that accumulate inside the human being. These energy heaps have your base in last tests and they are filed like pansy" "forms in the person's bio-psychic system, with running of the time, are manifested according to the intensities lived in the past, in the body, as illnesses. They alter the normal operation of the physical organs and mental structures, because although you are paradoxical, for many that don't locate the conscience in certain place and hence they speak of conciente and inconciente (the opposite to the conscience), yes they have a location and yes they occupy place inside the psychic files. If they could see the energy field of the alive beings they would know exactly where the conscience is localized and where the inconciente is located. They could see like they are those dark and heavy files they move for the body and your environment, how they cause illnesses and how they are extracted of the person's interior. These files, are last traumas, painful tests that are not ejected, are always in the call inconciente, from there they will show in any moment, blocking the normality of the behavior, as much as the normality of the corporal health. If they could see the energy that conform the alive beings and especially to the human beings, they could understand why the pansies have forms and how they take off the person traveling through the time and the space.

In the cures to distance, the pansy and the condicionamiento of people is fundamental so that you act with certain effectiveness. If you believe that your pansy is locked in your mind, because you will never project a curative energy or the day that he/she try to make it he will find difficult you very much. If on the other hand, you belong then to people that don't close to the possibility of the limitations of the reason imposed by a materialistic society transcending, you will have more possibilities to act with success in the task of helping others at distance. The same voucher for those who receive those energy, those pansies sent from the healer or agent healer, if you believe that nobody can help him, surely nobody will be able to make it, because inconcientemente believes a barrier that he/she close the step to any form of sent pansy. If your mind is open and receptive, then he/she will receive it and you will note the improvement.

To help another person that are passing a bad moment, it is necessary that both are in syntony, that is to say that both know and coordinate the moment in that he/she will make the mental projection from one toward another.

To fix one hour, to tell to the diseased person that at such a hour, you stay in silence and you relax you that conciente that he/she are sending a sentence healer or energy curative influences in that moment are. You are possible that the person is slept in some cases, angelic entities are possibly collaborating in your sanación process and until you remember to have dreamt of landscapes or pleasant things. In other cases, you don't fall asleep, you collaborate actively with the energy that he/she are receiving and this is better, because your person's entirety is committed in the cure.

The person that will behave of emitter, will make some respiratory simple exercises before the fixed hour. He/she can sit down comfortably and to breathe pausadamente, imagining that the air circulates through all your body and as you oxygenate you you go as each body part you are illuminated by an extra energy that he/she receive from the space. You begin imagining a realm of light on your head, when inspiring, that luminous ball penetrates the forehead and you expand for the remainder of the body, you inspire and you exhale, different times and as you make it, the light circulates for the whole body and all your being energizes. At this time he/she can make a sentence requesting for your protection and help with the task that are about to undertake.

Then imagine that you are beside the affected person, you see your illness, you scan your body looking at each organ and stop in the aching or diseased part. You place mentally, the hands on the place and you display a green light ray that impregnate the field, you make flow of your hands that light ray in big quantities until you sit down that you have already given enough. You observe the diseased person's face and you see like enhancement, imagine it with a smile of relief, then pass your hands to some fifteen centimeters of your body like caressing the person's energy field, make it repeated times. A stopped angel of light display in front of you, he is the angel you guide of the diseased person, smile you and you know that he will be taking care of it until the next session. See you to if same / to rise and to disappear of the room. You open the eyes and start to make any task that distract your carefulness. Not already think of that made, you let that your mind inconciente continues acting at deep levels while your mind conciente takes charge here of the and now. If you thought too much in the diseased person, doubt pansies or annoyance could appear, this won't benefit that made and you will hinder the precedent session.

The following day at the same hour ago the same session. If you believe it necessary it can use imaginary elements, I eat for example to dew with a spray the fields to try, a cotton to retire liquid, an antiseptic one imaginary to clean wounds, it can also vary the color of the light to transmit for your hands in the performance moment, for cases of fevers or infections, the best color is the BLUE and the VIOLET, for problems of bones, the color can be YELLOW or GREEN, for ailments like sprains, blows, it can vary from the blue to the green one and then to the target. The white color is soothing and enabled at the same time. You be about knowing more about the colors, they are simple, you are them hot, colds and neuter. According to the illness one uses of them or a mixture of several.

In the days of cure at distance makes an energy cleaning in you, taking contact with the nature, walking with the barefoot feet on the grass or the earth and you take abundant water. Make you immersion bathrooms or you alternate the shower with cold and warm water, two or three times until feeling a sensation of general well-being.

Not think of the cure during the day, make it so alone in the minutes that he/she dedicate you from your place in the sessions. If you want it can visit the diseased person and to talk on the topic and like the process goes, but you never doubt of your capacity and of the capacity of people in achieving a cure through the energy that we have available. After everything, the illness is an energy disorder that were blocking the normal operation of our health in some sector of our bio-psychic field.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Energy Healing is important for all people to clear their blocks and baggage. And give you more energy and better health Ian http://www.metaphysicalinstitute.org/