
To be operated of the obesity

If you surpass in 45 kilograms or you bend the ideal weight, you have been you impossible to lose weight by means of the conventional medical treatments, you are a glutton and, also, you suffer hypertension, diabetes, arthritis or another dysfunction related with the obesity, you are a firm candidate to undergo a surgical intervention to correct your overweight.
"In the decade of the 70, they became very popular the operations called malabsortivas, a surgery type that consisted on crashing the small intestine with the purpose of impeding the absorption of the foods. This practice, already aborted, you have left step to other more up-to-date ones that act on the stomach", Aniceto Baltasar you say, boss of the Service of Surgery of the Virgin Hospital of the Iris, in Alcoy (Valencia), and one of the biggest experts at world level in surgery of the obesity.

The gastroplastia operation or of gastric grapado that consist on creating a small stomach or reservoir, of about 20 cubic centimetres of capacity, and a hardship to your exit, for ralentizar the emptying, is the one that are carried out with more frequency.
"You are 14 forms at least of carrying out it. We have used in 145 patients two variants of the vertical named gastroplastia in band that are the favorite one for all for your simplicity and surety." Baltasar says. "One of them that it are original our, consists on to divide the stomach and to separate completely of him the reservoir."

The current tendency, however, is toward the calls combined operations. "That that here make - Baltasar comments - you are, on one hand, to operate the stomach, to reduce the quantity of ingested food, and, for other, to crash the intestine, with the purpose of reducing the surface of absorption."

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