
How creatine

The creatine is a protein that is found in many tissues of the body, even in the heart. Overall the human body contains about 120 grams, almost all of whom (95%) is stored in muscles.

In any case, this amount varies depending on the individual: there have been at most 4.6 grams of creatine per kilo of muscle, and 3 grams minimum value as provided for every kilogram of muscle. A man of 70 kilos would have indicated between 80 and 130 grams of creatine.

On average every day we take about one gram of creatine with the normal feeding and other gram basis of what we produce food simpler: amino acids. This amount is used to reintegrate the two grams of creatine that the body loses every day with urine.

Taken in low doses creatine has no contraindication, although it can take in high doses, causing vomiting, diarrhea, digestive problems, heartburn and fatigue kidney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the read!

I never knew to aim for a ratio of 4.6 grams of creatine per kilo of muscle.

nice one! :)