
Types of electrotherapy

Ultrasound algae proof:
It consists of broadcasting waves that increase the permeability of the membranes and help reabsorver fluids accumulated as edema or bruises. Very indicated problems in osteoarthritis, arthritis, tendonitis, sprains and edema.

Ultrasound anti-cellulite:
Electrotherapy high frequency also increases the permeability of the membranes allowing fat can be reabsorver in a way easier and quicker. Very indicated in cases of treatments for cellulite and lose weight.

It works by making a mild drain on legs and arms. It produces a relaxing effect and sedative, leaving a pleasant feeling of lightness in the legs. It also is indicated for people who have cellulite.

Issuing of microwaves almost imperceptible by the person, with anti-aging effects in tissues and body and facial muscles.

Therapy for circulatory stimulation:
This is a therapy to help prevent or mitigate the first symptoms of venous insufficiency, as the heaviness and swelling of legs.

It consists of lymphatic drainage, reflexotherapy and whirlpool spa with cold water, pressotherapy, fangoterapia specific, cold bandages and advice on medical diet for such problems.

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