The lawsuits that can give place to the cataract are multiple. Among them hereditary factors that would determine in the mature or senile age their formation fit. On the other hand, genetic and embryological factors exist, and already in the maternal cloister he/she can the petty one to lose temper, with the following appearance of a congenital cataract that will show in the youth in occasions.
But, there are also general illnesses that can end up manifesting this illness: the diabetes, the intoxications (be due to the naphthalene, to the thallium or the rye ergot), and certain medicinal preparations that are used to cure the obesity and that they contain dinitrofenoles. Those cataracts generally enter a quite quick evolution and their only treatment consists on the operation. Other less frequent lawsuits exist, as a consequence of dysfunctions endocrinológicos pluriglandulares, as gónadas and paratiroides. In the mongolism and the mixedema it is also conserved, in occasions, the appearance of cataracts.
The most usual case is represented by the call senile cataract whose lawsuit is not still known with accuracy, but that it constitutes a positive manifestation of the age. They probably take place in the organism metabolic general dysfunctions that little by little drive to the formation of the cataract. At the beginning they are noted in one or both eyes diverse symptoms, being the main one the visual gradual forfeiture. He suits to keep in mind that simultaneously to the appearance of the cataract, the sick person can it turns affected by other eye diseases that if they are not on time, they would originate complications that can waste or to already make useless the operation of cataracts.
If the patient uses correction, he notes that her glasses don't help him I eat before, you see the deformed images and he searches a luminous more efficient focus, or on the contrary, the (when the opacificación takes place preferably in the center of the eye lens) sick person is better in the dimness, because when dilating the pupil you go with more easiness. At the beginning, it still fits some change in the corrective glasses, but as the cataract, this measure evolves it is useless, the patient loses vision and the best thing is an intervention for the expert.
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