Before anything else, we will make reference to the term "good treatments" used in the header. For many professionals that work exactly with children or mistreated people, ésto means that the children ean respected as legal persons anyone are your singularity. This involves to provide you cares physiques, power supply, health care, coat, among other; and taken care pscioafectivos, fondness unconditional respect of your person condition. You are also very important the or the educational contributions, so that they learn how to modulate your emotions, desires and behaviors to be respected themselves and your fellow men, including to all the alive other beings and the nature in general. Lastly, in the notion of good treatments the contributions should be included for a healthy and responsible socialization, that is to say that the children have the elements to build your personal histories or your identity, starting from the family, cultural and social reports surrendered in truthful and participatory conversations with the adults and pairs of your family, of your community and of your society.
To facilitate that the children have it doesn't only make aware of your histories of life but also of the reality that have played you to live, and so that they can commit with others in the change of this reality if you are unjust, violent and oppressive; you are completely fundamental a process of healthy socialization. This resides in assuring, as cmunidad, protection to the children in case your families, in the institutions or in the society they are confromtados to status of violence. the good treatments are mainly the result of a social production, not only family, but the effort that the whole community should make for the childhood.
During the period of gestation, as well as after the childbirth, the woman segregates a hormone: oxytocin that help to the attachment of your link with the baby, as well as the emotional protection that are also generated starting from her. Unfortunately, the effect of the oxytocin is influenced by the social and cultural contexts; and mainly, for the test of the mothers' life.
A mother with a childhood traumatized by bad treatments, for example, or that that your maternity lives downloads status of violence, in spite of the oxytocin, you will have difficulties in attaching to your son healthily, with the necessary empathy to assure you the good treatment that deserve. The men also have hormones, as the vasopresina that he/she explain the innate capacity to take care and to protect the children; but you seem to be that this hormone is terribly vulnerable to the ideological elements of the patriarchal culture that, with your beliefs and myths, you reduce the man to a condition of dominant, competitive and, many times, abusive and I force. Fortunately, little by little the ho, decent bres is involved more and more in the cares of your children and the emotions and the fondness lose fear.
You are certain indicators of a relationship of good treatments with the children. For example, mothers and parents that offer your children a safe attachment and they react with empathy in front of the lawsuits of satisfaction of your necessities, but at the same time they maintain the necessary authority to protect them and to educate them. another factor is when the demonstrations of affection and fondness live with pleasure; as well as when you move you to verify the efforts that he/she make the boy to advance in your development. When they are sensitive to your emotional sufriemiento and they know your son in toto, either in likes, interests, friends or customs. And, lastly, your children have a momentous importance in your lives, and for that reason soncapaces of respecting your differentiation processes, accompanying them in all the avatars of roundtrips that it enter the development process.
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