
The Drop - Hereditary Illness

The drop is a hereditary illness, almost exclusive of the mature male, due to an abnormality of the protean metabolism that produce an increase of the uric acid of the blood and your deposit in the cartilages articulares and sometimes also in the kidneys. The uric acid derives of the purines that, in turn, they are a component of the nucleoproteínas, present in the cellular cores. You are an endogenous uric acid, coming from the replacement of the nucleoproteínas of the body, and an exogenous uric acid that enter with the foods. The normal concentration of uric acid in the blood, is from 5 to 6 mg for 100 cc. Your deletion with the urination depends on the power supply, but, for average, you are of 1 g newspaper.

The sanguine uric acid is elevated in the drop sick person. This alteration is due to an increase of your formation and a decrease of the renal deletion. The rich food intake in purines can precipitate a joint inflammation attack, to cause a renal colic or to aggravate the pains of the chronic drop.

The diet is the base of the treatment of the gouty one. During the acute attack, the power supply should only consist on milk descremada, boiled rice and fresh fruits. To favor the urinary deletion the uric acid, they will take liquids in abundance. When the cross-reference begins, eggs can be added, flesh gelatina, pàsta of soup, butter and oleum; some days later the diet is completed with vegetables, vegetables, tender flesh and fish target. The richest foods in purines are the liver, the kidneys and the brains, the blue fish and the shellfish, the red flesh and the hunt; all they should be deleted, total and definitively, of the diet of the gouty one.

The treatment medicamentoso is founded in the management of drugs that you/they impede the uric acid formation and in others that favor your deletion with the urination. The acute attacks improve with the colchicine and with antinflamatorios of hormonal type, as the glucocorticoids, or synthetic, as the phenybutazone.

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