When the inflammation returns, all the hepatic destroyed cells are reabsorbed and they are substituted by new cells regeneradoras, at the time that the exudation and the inflammatory cells disappear little by little.
This box of injuries doesn't have anything of specific, that is to say, the hepatic gland reacts in the same way before aggressive numerous agents, among which should stand out: the toxics (chemical or biologic) that give place to the toxic (industrial, fortuitous, you commit suicide or therapy) hepatitis; the infectious agents not viral that give place to an infectious fortuitous (pneumonia, syphilis, paludism, amoebiasis, recrudescent fever, etc.) hepatitis; and, finally, the viruses (that they produce infectious mononucleosis, fever, yellow, epidemic hepatitis and for homologous serum).
You be which are the lawsuit that cause the hepatitis, the clinical manifestations they are usually always the same ones, although the graveness of the path of the liver damage varies according to the aggressive agent.
The epidemic hepatitis or for homologous serum it is the one that are given in the clinical practice with more frequency.
Most of they have a communio origin, being the responsible one a filterable virus; the viral hepatitis is classified in two big groups: epidemic hepatitis, caused by the one that one comes naming virus TO or YH; and hepatitis for homologous serum, taken place by the compound number B or SH.
In both hepatitis, the clinical box and the histological injuries are identical, although the virus YH is always transmitted for via oral, and the period of incubation hard from two to four weeks, while the virus SH is transmitted by inoculation of blood or products of the same one with syringe, and your period of incubation oscillates between 10 and 20 weeks.
The viral hepatitis is almost always manifested by a box of dummy flu (seudogripal), characterized by a great decline and lassitude, appetite ullage, general breach associated to pains articulares and even headache more or less intense. The fever oscillates, and few times you pass of 39º. A slight pain can be given in the hepatic field, being very strange, on the other hand, the one that show up alive pain of cholic hepatic.
This box flu-like pseudo dura around 8 to 10 days, to the end of which the urination is darkened until acquiring the shade of the brandy.
Next an icterus appears that begin in the eyes to go covering the whole body little by little. During a, two or three weeks, the color of the icterus is intensified to go remitting slowly during an or two weeks later.
Whichever it is the etiology of a hepatitis, the treatment is always the same one. The main base is the absolute rest in bed.
This debit side to last, as minimum, until the lab analyses demonstrate that the bilirubin of the blood has returned to your normality.
Many cases that have evolved secondarily toward the chronic condition or malice, are due to an interrupt of the corporal rest. The second base of a good treatment is mainly the abundant, compound power supply of hydro-carbonados, vegetables and fruits, associating you a protean minimum of around 2 g newspapers for kilogram of body weight.
You should be excluded of the alimentary régime all type of excitant, sauces, mustard and alcoholic drinks. As background processing, the sick person should take a vitamin supplement, mainly of the complex B, associated to vitamin C.
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