In the case of the functional constipation, or also bare or habitual compound number, is characterized because the patient that suffer it doesn't enter any organic alteration or illness that I/you/he/she can unchain it. It can show up in all the ages and in to, bos sexes, although you seem to be much more frequent in the woman that in the man. You are observed with great fecuencia in several members of oneself family, without your genetic transmission can be demonstrated; that that in fact is inherited they are the acquired habits regarding the genus of life and to the power supply.
The origin of a constipation of this class, it can be due to different factors. In the case of a symptomatology of certain neurotic reactions or neurotic (crisis of hysteria) psico it can lack fecal evecuación during two or three weeks. In the event of patients with rest extended in bed, dehydration, prolonged use of laxatives, sedative medications; the most frequent lawsuits in constipation are the not well made diets or the ullage of regularity in the sedimentations for bad habits.
The not well made diets produce the alimentary constipation, caused practically by alimentary régimes without residual cellulosic, with the help of white flours, flesh and fishes. These diets give place to the scarce formation of fecal materials that you/they are the excitant ones physiologic of the intestinal peristalismo. In these chaos, if they are set up the patients a rich diet in residual celolósicos, with the help of vegetables and fruits, your constipation disappears quickly.
The treatment of the bare constipation, in general lines, you should be based on deleting the fear that the patient experiences when not making a daily deposicioón. To make you understand that they exist many people that evacuate each two, three four days, without ésto causes you the minimum nuisance. To recommend you that when you note the desire to evacuate, you don't cancel it neither you postpone it for more opportune moments, because, with the time, you bring it I get a decrease or annulment of the normal reflection of defecation. You are to make the person that suffer a constipation of this type note that the control of the exhaustion only debit side to be good to be able to arrive until the most proximate toilet; the habit of controlling the exhaustion while waiting for more opportune moments is the lawsuit that originate most of the constipations.
To correct an etsreñimiento, you have great importance the one that the diet is very directed and you contain foods with cellulosic excessive remains. You are to remember the volume of the fecal matters you are always an intense peristaltógeno of the intestinal mucosa. They are also beneficial the cold drinks, the butter or margarine, the sugar and the honey.
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