One of the main features of the dream, and maybe the most sophisticated, is to strengthen the memory: the most recent investigations demonstrate that the process of storing the information in the memory is carried out while you fall asleep.
During the night dream, the incorporate data are reactivated and reproduced time and again by the hippocampus - very petty field of the interior of the brain where that is stored that memorize. With each repetition, the information is sent, in turn, to the cerebral cortex, where you leave recording more and more deep in the brain tissue, integrating this way the called "memory of long term." That is to say that while you fall asleep, the informations pass on one side from the brain to the other one. therefore, what memorize during the day, consolidates during the night. This is the lawsuit for the one which who have slept well he/she can have to the awakening a more ordered vision of the problems that you/they have been pending, or even to find the olución to a problem while you fall asleep.
During the dream, the brain comes off of the whole useless information of the day and new connections take place among the neurons, with the appearance of more and cerebral better circuits. And to bigger circuits, bigger performances of the stocks of the brain.
The stressful very traumatic tests are recorded with stability in the memory and vivid memories that last in the time take place. On the contrary, the stress if you are less intense but more prolonged, you injure the hippocampus and therefore, you deteriorate the memory.
To sleep is since an irreplaceable feature you are the only mechanism of which prepare the brain for your own retrieval. During the dream, the body, the brain and the mind you restairan to themselves although, paradoxically, all continue very enabled.
Then in that statement that at some time all hear that you said: you seek advice to sleep on it the serious subjects before making a decision", we can say that you have a lot of effectiveness, since the best thing that can make the person before a problem, a challenge academic or complicated decisions, is exactly, to sleep well.
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