
Acupuncture - features of the pulses

1.- Force
2.- Speed
3.- Localization
4.- Volume
5.- Location
6.- Form
7.- Rhythm

1 - FORCE I Clear - fullness

We see with what you force you press the energy the blood.

-Strong: You beat with force at the 3 levels and in the three areas, globally. You mean that the energy vital fight against the perverse one and you are a contribution bigger than energy you bleed.

-Weak: You beat with little force in 3 areas and 3 levels. You mean that the vital energy has lost Qi-Xue in your fight against the perverse energy.

2 - SPEED Cold. heat

-Quick: The heat accelerates the movement of the energy, blood. The heat can being of fullness or of blank.
Quick strong: quick and strong pulse = S. Heat-fullness
Quick weak: quick weak pulse = S. Heat - hole

-Slow: The cold paralyzes, you stop, tight energy-blood.
Slow strong: slow strong pulse: S.de cold fullness
Slow weak: slow weak pulse: S. Of cold-blank

3 - External LOCALIZATION. intern

-Superficial: I pulse that are when pressing lightly. You disappear with moderate and strong resión. You mean that the perverse energy is external. The energy - you bleed they develop the fight at external-superficial level.

-Superficial, quick strong: S. External for heat fullness. Wind heat = you seize (acute)
-Superficial, quick, weak: S. Of blank external heat. (Acute illness). You are a step after the previous pulse.

-Superficial, slow (contracted apretado=parece), strong: S. Of external, cold fullness (cold wind = cold)
-Superficial, slow-tight, weak: S. External, blank. You are the cold that last, but you don't have you interiorizado.

-Deep: I pulse that are with strong pressure almost until playing the bone. You disappear, or you are not noted, with moderate or slight pressure. The blood energy fights inside the body.

-Deep, quick, strong: : S. Deep heat fullness. Interior heat. The vital energy is strong and you fight.
-Deep, quick, weak: S. Blank interior heat = I Clear of Yin

-Deep, slow, strong: S. Interior cold fullness.
-Deep, slow, weak: S. Interior blank cold = I Clear of Yang.

4 - VOLUME Blank-fullness

-Big: You are detected by a voluminous pulse, you occupy great space. You also call you wave" "pulse. We imagine a wave that he/she come.
As the heat he/she dilates, the energy bleeds you find big spaces to move. You meet with quick pulse.

-Small: (or filiform): As a fine thread. Small, fine, but I specify. (S. Hole of Qi-Xue) Like you are little Qi - Xue, is not very contained and you reflect this way.

5 - Blank ENRAIZAMIENTO. fullness

-Long: P. You overflow the 3 levels, as if you were further on. The heat instead of giving + volume, gives + length. In tall people it would not be pathologic.

-Short: P. You occupy less space in the 3 areas; you don't have head neither queue, alone you beat in H-B or you grieve you note.

The Hole of Qi can be
- strong = blank Qi and torpor of Xue
- weak = I clear of Qi-Xue

6 - FORM :
1 - glidant
2- Sensible .tensa (tense)
3- Tense (tight)
4- Soft
5- Hesitant

1-glidant: As that rotate, pearls in a plate that slip, escape, you cost a little. You take it and, sometimes, in the area CHI escapes a ball.
Typical pulse of dampness, characteristic of pregnant woman.
To search it with moderate pressure.

2-chord-tense (Chinese). Tense (here): Own in spring. Long, strong, right pulse, as a horizontal thread; you are not ripple, as the chord of a violin.
You indicate dysfunctions of H and VB
Typical of torpor of Qi of H.
In clinic: in old men with arteriosclerosis and hypertension.

3-tense (in China). Tight (here): Comprehensive, strong, tight. As a sensible but thicker that that of violin indicates cold and pain for cold.
-superficial tight = I fry external
-deep tight = interior cold

4-soft: You give when pressing, the fingers collapse in the pressure. You meet with the superficial pressure.
You Indicate Dampness.

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