
The fear to the anaesthesia in the surgeries

The fear to the anaesthesia or, to the operation in itself, they are logical and natural, but that you affect it the operative result. The psychological care is indispensable, provided you are about some class of mutilating surgery that the corporal aesthetics affects in ostensible form, or that you alter the life of relationship of the patient. The complexity of the care will depend, in good measure, of the sick person's psychological profile; in certain occasions the surgeon's support or of the anesthesist they will be enough. In more complex cases, the psychiatric query is indispensable.

The anesthesist has clear signs to evaluate the depth of the anaesthesia. The patient will be able to only wake up when you have him to him sedado in the path of an intervention with anaesthesia partially (peridural, spinal, local, etc.), case in which don't have it bigger importance. On the other hand, in the path of a general anesthesia, this is controlled to maintain it in good levels.

The partial anaesthesias have a limited duration that vary according to each case. If you prevé the possibility of a continuation during a peridural anaesthesia, a catheter can be left in the place of the punction and to maintain the analgesia adding new anaesthetic dose. The local anaesthesia can be prolonged in the time infiltrating the surgical area again. In all the cases, on the other hand, the effect can expand using the general anesthesia.

Not we will deny that yes cases exist, where the patient has been with sequels after an anaesthesia. But the cases of this nature are more and more strange. You are to keep in mind the patient's general state, the operation type to you carry out, the type of anaesthesia, the ability of the acting team and the infrastructure of the place where you are operated.

In any way it is necessary to highlight that the current anaesthesias are highly reliable and the complications are possible, but extremely exceptional.

To categorize an intervention like smaller, median or bigger, you are always relative and in any event, you are a problem that should worry more to the surgeon than to the patient. In this categorization they also intervene factors unaware to the importance of the operation in yes (you anesthetize, infrastructure, materials to use, prognoses, and other). Anyway, you are advisable that the surgeon and your team abstain from increasing the fears of the patients with worrying definitions.

We should also highlight that the physician should inform the patient the derivative risks of the operation, when the same ones will take place with surety for the intervention type to carry out or those more probable ones. But to inform of "all the risks" that possibly can appear, you are practically important.

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