
How to make soap at home?

How soap to make at home
A plain way to only make soaps with a dressing room soap that you buy you in any part!!! You have a rustic finish.

1 bar of soap of dressing room big target or of color.
1 spoonful to the polenta level or flour of corn.
1 sunflower oil teaspoonful or (you marvel) olive.
1/2 of cup of distilled water or boiled cold.
kitchen grater.
a bowl.
mold for big soaps (for massages)
You petrolate liquid

On a bowl, to grate the soap for the thickest part in the grater. To add the water and to revolve, then it incorporates the oleum.
To take it to the microwaves to strength downloads for 30 seconds, to verify that you are not dammed, this has to make it how many times you are necessary.
When you have acquired a creamy consistency, retire it and immediately he/she adds the polenta and you dump the soap on the greased mold with the vaseline.
Allow it to solidify, if you are anxious, you can take it to the icebox for half hour.
Desmolda but you should allow it to air for some days giving you daily turn.

This soap is very easy of making and you seem that the result can be very interesting... :-)
I animate to that sample it, overalls if you are novice, keeping in mind overalls
two things:

1. Not to spend with the quantity of flour of corn or polenta, because although you are good to harden the soap and you are good for the skin, your excess also ends up for obstriur the shrinkholes :-)

2. VERY IMPORTANT: In any soap of this type, if you want to use the microwaves, HOOK YOU TO THE THERMOMETER!!! I mean that for very low that are the strength that use and very short the time (as very well Jessica has indicated), you have to avoid to all coast that the soap warms to more than 70ºC, because then it will be useless (if you overcame that temperature a lot, pordía to even end up burning, and you would be toxic for the skin).
For that reason the bathroom maría is safer, since the increase of temperature is gradual, and it can never have peaks of temperature, like with the microwaves... :-)

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