
How to protect the liver

The liver is a vital organ because all the metabolic processes, as the formation of cholesterol, the synthesis of a series of vital substances, the formation of the indispensable glucose for the life, they happen there. To take care of it it is also necessary to control the habits that regulate the digestive process.

You suit to always make regularly foods and of little volume every time. This way the operation of the whole digestive system is regularized and the digestibilidad of the foods is facilitated.

The breakfast should be one of the most important foods in the day.

At night, on the other hand, you are convenient a light power supply: the dinner should be the most frugal food in the day.

The quantity of food is also very important: an energy can be easy to digest in a wise quantity, but when this border is overcome you transform into a time bomb.

To eat slowly when the foods swallow you without masticating them, they get lost many of the nutrients that are absorbed in the mucosas of the mouth and also, the skittle was not correctly prepared to enter to the remainder of the digestive tract. This, inevitably, will cause heaviness.

To make a varied power supply: some people spread to replace the fundamental foods for a coffee and sweet cookies. This is not a good habit so that the digestive system works appropriately.

To eat of good spirit is fundamental also: the displeasures during the foods, the concerns and the anxieties make you to close the stomach. And ésto causes a bad digestion.

The habit of taking mat is not noxious. You are only contraindicated formally when you are gastroduodenal ulcer.

A factor "individual called allowance" exists to certain fruits or vegetables healthy considered foods. This means that to most of the foods that he/she please to most well but for particular reasons some people don't tolerate them. In that case, they should learn how to recognize them and to abstain from eating them to avoid digestive problems.

To facilitate the digestion, some hepatic protective medicines can be ingested.

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