Their lawsuits are numerous, but maybe the most frequent have a vascular origin, be general or local, that is to say reside in the same vessels of the retina or not. It can exist the occlusion of the central artery or a thrombosis of the vein, general ledger haemorrhages or pettier importance, phlebitis, alterations originated by the diabetes, the hypertension, the arteriosclerosis, etc. many times the sick person experiences a visual forfeiture, in a sudden or gradual way, according to the affection that it is. It owes recomendársele that still not being pains, be made recognize urgently for the expert.
The retina can also suffer degenerative, parasitic illnesses, tumors, etc.; that they usually carry always importance.
As it is that the retinal detachment is the most frequent affection and it is usually in the mind of many people, it is considered opportune to extend in the relationship of its lawsuits, symptoms and treatment. A good number of cases can cures with surgical medical treatment and what is more important, to be prevented by means of periodic visits to the expert. The treatments are usually effective and with a good prevention many times the feared abruption doesn't arrive.
Condition such as inflammatory alterations of the ciliary body, processes senile involutivos or degenerative, some vitreous mood disturbances, cranial traumatisms or violent efforts, certain coroides tumors, some possible acarid like the cisticerco and, certainly, the hereditary predisposition, they are lawsuits common of the retinal detachment, as he/she comes off of the test of all the oculists. The most frequent lawsuit that originates the retinal detachment resides in the myopia, visual quite communio bug. Of there the importance that all myopic fellow goes to the specialist physician regularly, not only as soon as it concerns to his optical correction that should be always for that, but also to prevent the possible retinal detachment appearance. The myopia like refractive bug is strange, the so much biggest percent constitutes it the nearsighted illness or myopia axil. All myopic person, although it already takes the appropriate eyeglasses and believe to be well, he/she should go to the oculist at least once a year. Many abruptions and other visual serious dysfunctions would be avoided if you follows this standard and not the pernicious and frequent custom of going to the optics store without the previous visit to the specialist physician.
The sick person at the beginning of the retinal detachment, notes that he lacks a part of its visual field, or you see the deformed objects and it appraises in general kind of a velum or of curtain for before the space that is about looking with one of its eyes. This sensation, days before he/she can go preceded of fotopsias, that is to say, as of some luminous gleams more or less volatile. With the night rest the symptom sometimes disappears, but he/she repeats and it is accentuated as they lapse the hours of the day. The fellow doesn't sometimes perceive these symptoms, mainly if the eye with abruption already had worse vision or knowingly he/she went defectively corrected.
Although in general a retinal detachment doesn't require an operation of urgency, it is convenient that the patient is visited soon. The oculist should make a careful exploration of the bottom of the eye, and overdraft the abruption, although it is of little extension, it will overwork the exploration in the search of some possible retina fissure. It is not always in the first exploration, for what is advisable some days of absolute rest in bed with binocular bandage to discover the fissures before making the intervention, only mean of obtaining the cure of the illness.
The more old it is the abruption minors possibilities he/she offers of a total cure: because although in the surgical aspect the reaplicación of the retina can be procured in its place, the grade of visual recovered capacity is affected by the lapsed time. It is explained to it because, to the being the retina such a delicate membrane, and when being deviant of their free position, it is affected in their nutrition, with the degenerative consequential alterations, accented point as much as general ledger has been the time in that the retina has suffered this deviation.
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