
Care of the diabetic feet

If you are diabetic, you should have present that your feet are much more susceptible to infections that those of any other person. Hence, you are important that you revise them daily, besides following these instructions to avoid any lesion:

1- Not use bag for hot water, since your sensibility is much smaller and you could suffer serious burns.

2- Not walk barefoot in any place, less in the beach. You remember that that same decrease in the sensibility that we have mentioned you, could make you suffer wounds or burns.

3- You use appropriate shoes, without seams that can injure and as much as possible of circular tip.

4- You always use stockings, you don't import the station.

5- Before putting on shoes, you revise the interior of the footwear to detect abnormalities or objects that can damage your feet.

6- Don't exceed you in the bathrooms of feet, since they macerate and they soften the skin.

7- Not forget to browse your feet daily.

8- Dry your feet with a towel of soft shag and sole right for your feet. Dry very well the field that are among your fingers.

9- You damp your feet daily with a moisturizing cream. Due to the neuropathy the diabetic's foot has tendency to the anhidrosis (very dry skin).

10- You cut your nails in a direct way, you don't curve, since it can cause wounds. You are preferable to converge to a podólogo that are specialist in diabetes.

11- Not use chemical removedores of callosities.

12- Not use cures or leucoplasto since it can damage the skin.

Having in present these advice and maintaining well controlled your diabetes, you will be able to enjoy without suffering any nuisance.

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