
Drainage lymphatic manual: automassages

For what reason they serve

To be able to remove the obesity and mainly the cellulitis of the legs and the queue, the massages are elementary to accompany any treatment class. All these manual exercises, begin and they end with technical characteristic of lymphatic drainage, in which one works on the vascular lymphatic system that complete a defensive feature. inmunitaria, vehiculizando and deleting the toxins through the lymph.

In consequence, the massages reducers and anticelulíticos they will remit those of lymphatic drainage, essentials to maintain a good blood stream that favor the exit of the residuals accumulated in the parts affected by the cellulitis.

How they are carried out the massages

This work begins with a pumping in the field subclavicular (you base of the neck). For it, with the hands crossing the chest, you take your fingers toward inside the clavicle, of little to pointer. You repeat this exercise from 5 to 8 times.

Before starting the second step, you carry out 6 deep respirations at least. Then, you will make a pumping of the field low ganglionar the arm pit. For you put it the flat hand inside the arm pit and you carry out wraparound movements toward inside. You repeat the exercise 6 times for each side.

The third exercise consists on to put your fingers on English and to make a movement of pressure with the fingers, traccionando lightly the skin. As always, you repeat the exercise 6 times.

Then you will divide the thigh in four parts. You begin in the higher part, massaging the skin with a movement of superficial (as if we put on a stocking, without using the thumbs) traction. Exercise this in the whole thigh.

This last exercise, you will repeat it in your knees, where the flexionarás the legs. You always remember traccionar up that it are the movement of the return (the one that more than you hinder in the dysfunctions of the cellulitis) flow.

Lastly, you return to the leg repeating the task in a such way that are bottom-up. You end with the pumpings that you are carried out already in English, arm pits and base of the neck, without forgetting the deep respirations.

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