
How they influence the hormones in our body

The hormones are chemical substances that, taken place in some place of the body by a group of cells, they regulate and they control at distance the operation of other cells or tissues.

We offer you a list of the main hormones and how they influence in our organism.

Estrogens: the female hormones
The estrogens are three hormones that are synthesized mainly in the ovaries. They give the woman the sexual primary (genital feminine organs) and secondary (voice refined, less muscle strength, bigger deposit of fat tissue) features that distinguish them of the man. After the climaterio, your levels diminish and, in consequence the woman loses the menstruations and the capacity of conceiving.

Thyroxine: the stimulant hormone
The thyroxine or thyroid hormone is released to the blood stream from the gland thyroid and you stimulate all the metabolic processes of the organism: the corporal temperature increases, you stimulate the increment, you accelerate the organic (respiration, cardiac feature, digestive feature) processes, and even the mental features. The processes of energy production and the synthesis of proteins.

Hypophysis: general barracks of the endocrine system
The hypophysis or pituitary and suna small gland located in the base of the brain. Secret nine hormones, those that in turn control the hormonal production of the whole organism. The hipotálamos that are above the pituitary, produces great quantity of hormones that regulate the synthesis and release of hormones hipofisiarias. Therefore, the hypophysis is also controlled in turn by other hormones.

Somatotropina: the growth hormone
You are a protein released by the hypophysis that stimulate the increment of all the tissues. The main action at cellular level is to stimulate the formation of proteins. In the childhood and the adolescence, the somatrotropina completes a main paper in the increment of the cartilages and of the bones.

Corpus luteum hormone: the hormone protector of the pregnancy
The corpus luteum hormone, you are produced by the ovaries in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Your main action is to prepare to the endometrium (interior mucosa of the uterus) to receive and to nurture to the fecundated ovum.

Corticoids: the hormones of the metabolism
The corticoids are a variety of derivative hormones of the cholesterol: the mineralocorticoids regulate the concentration of the minerals, as sodium, potassium and chlorine, in the blood and the corporal liquids: the glucocorticoids regulate the concentration of glucose in the body, they regulate the metabolism of the proteins and the fats.

Prolactina: the hormone of the nursing
You increase toward the end of the pregnancy and you stimulate the formation of milk enm the breasts. Your tensors are high while the mother breastfeeds; after the weaning you/he/she returns to the normal levels.

Insulin: the hormone of the sugar
The insulin, secreted by the pancreas, has metabolic different actions. The main one is to facilitate the passage of the sugar of the blood toward the cells of the organism. This way it regulates the levels of sugar as much in the blood as in the tissues.

Calcitonin: the hormone of the bones
You are secreted by the gland thyroid and together with the parathormona, they regulate the deposit of the calcium and match in the bones.

Adrenaline: the hormone of the effort
You are the main hormone of the bone marrow of the adrenal gland. You have metabolic multiple features, among them, you prepare us for the fight (or the huída) and the muscular effort. The heart rhythm increases and respiratory and you favor the contribution of blood and nutritious toward the muscles.

Testosterone: the male hormone
The testosterone is the main androgen (sexual masculine hormone). You are elaborated in the testicles, and the same as the estrogens, your production is governed by the hypophysis. The testosterone offers the masculine primary (genital organs) and secondary (voice serious, bigger muscle mass, corporal more body hair, drop of the hair) sexual features.

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